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Dates coming soon!
Dates coming soon!

This year, le Camp voyageur is coming back, all summer long, our team will travel all over Saskatchewan and meet with children to have some fun together.



Register Now

Register your child today to have fun in French this summer with new friends from all four corners of the province.

Whether it’s your first-time camp or you come back to the Camp Voyageur, there are a few things you need to know before coming to be ready to enjoy our camp.


  • Regina - La Rotonde, la Cité universitaire, 3727 Sagittaire Ln, Regina, SK S4S 0A2
  • Saskatoon - 1007 Windsor St, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0Z1
  • Moose Jaw - Gymnasium Ducharme school, 340 Ominica west street, Moose Jaw, S6H 1X5
  • Zenon Park - Gymnasium Notre-Dame-des-Vertus school, C.P. 248 Zenon Park, Sk S0E 1W0
  • Gravelbourg - location to come
  • La Trinité - location to come
  • Debden - Community Centre


Days at the camp start at 9am until 4pm.


Guide and regulations

Guide and regulations are available here.



Form for image rights available here

Form for child pick up authorization


What to bring ? Click here!




Since 1912, the Assemblée communautaire fransaskoise (ACF) speaks on behalf of Saskatchewan’s francophone community. Its role is to defend the aspirations and ensure the development of the Fransaskois community.

To give the opportunity for our youth who are learning French in Saskatchewan, the ACF organized the Camp Voyageur for over 30 years with partners such as the Ministry of Education of Saskatchewan, the Association Jeunesse Fransaskoise, the Conseil des écoles Fransaskoises. Our mission is to provide young Francophones the opportunity to live outdoor, explore artistic and cultural experiences and to experiment a francophone summer camp in the province. With a rich programming that evolves each year, the goal is for each participant to enjoy and discover the irchness of a Francophone adventure!

Our Team

Our team for the Camp Voyageur is composed of a coordinator who works to develop a program to respond to the needs of young Francophones according to their ages and desires. She is supported by a team of monitors trained in first aid and who have provided us their criminal record checks.

Les inscriptions pour l’édition 2023 du Camp voyageur sont maintenant ouvertes ! L’équipe du Camp voyageur se rendra aux quatre coins de la Saskatchewan du 10 juillet au 1er septembre 2023 et proposera une programmation 100 % francophone aux enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans. Retrouvez ci-dessous les modalités d’inscription et les dates du Camp voyageur près de chez vous !

Le populaire camp francophone signe son retour du 6 juillet au 1er septembre 2023, tout en dévoilant sa nouvelle coordinatrice; Mme Rachèle Paquet. Cette année encore, l’équipe du camp voyagera au cœur des communautés francophones et partira à la rencontre des jeunes, âgés de 6 à 12 ans, pour leur proposer une programmation variée, divertissante et 100 % francophone.

Le Camp voyageur is coming back this summer !

Le Camp voyageur is coming back with a diverting program in French from the 4th of july until the 26th of august. Le Camp voyageur welcomes children from the age of 6. This year, the camp will have day group activities. Our camp counsellors will travel all around Saskatchewan to meet up with children.

The ACF will adapt the program depending on sanitary measures all over the province.

Registrations for le Camp voyageur 2022 will begin on the 1st of may through the webiste Camp voyageur. If you want more informations, you can check our facebook page or contact our camp coordinator Mr Jesse Wallace-Perkins  : Jesse.wallace@fransaskois.sk.ca

Camp news

The groups will each have an online platform where the children can access the documents for all activities, share videos and photos as well as make comments. Zoom will be used for video calls. There is the possibility of live streaming the in person activities for those who choose the virtual only option. Each week the campers who have selected the combinaison or in person only option will be able to participate in a half day of in person activities per city according to the interest. These activities will all be planned and executed according to the measures in place by the government in order to ensure the safety and health of all campers.

For each week the activities and material will all be prepared ahead of time. The registered children who selected the virtual only or full package will receive a box with all necessary material before the camp (1 box per family). Inside the box there will also be binder with all the necessary information for the camp. This includes the schedule (virtual and in person) as well as how to access all the activities, directions and documents for all activities etc.. The box and binder are made to ensure the child can follow all activities whether or not they are online at the time. The boxes will be prepared by ACF staff and delivered to each city or village for delivery.


This year, we will post in this section news of campers written by campers!!! Twice a day, a group of kids will go in the office to write what they did, how they enjoyed it... and all the other funny stories !!!

This year, le Camp voyageur gives the perfect opportunity to have fun in groups through various themes.
Registration begins on april 1st !

Here are the dates of the camp this summer !

Regina : july 8th to 12th , july 15th to 19th, august 26th to 30th
Registration and payment through our website https://campvoyageursk.com/fr/ and you can contact coordination.camp@fransaskois.sk.ca for more informations.

Moose Jaw : July 22nd to 26th - Registration and payment through our website https://campvoyageursk.com/fr/ and information with coordination.camp@fransaskois.sk.ca 

Gravelbourg : july 22nd and 23rd - Registration, payment and information with acfggravelbourg@gmail.com 

Trinity : August 22nd and 23rd - Registration, payment and information with acft@baudoux.ca

Saskatoon : August 6th to 9th and august 12th to 16th - Registration and payment through our website and you can contact coordination.camp@fransaskois.sk.ca for more informations.

Zenon Park : July 30th and july 31st - Registration, payment and information with direction@afzp.ca

Debden : August 19th and august 20th - Registration, payment and information with ccfdeb@sasktel.net

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